Dickey's Barbecue Pit has a huge social media team and they request videos all the time, this helps with the engagement within different platforms. I loved the opportunity learn new skills and programs, I pick them up pretty quickly since Adobe does a good job of being similar enough across the board with their programs.
Created in After Effects.
For the Win! We create lots of promotions and when we have the chance to do them while there's a season of games going on, even better!
Created in After Effects.

 This basic video exhibits my skills in Premier Pro, I am at the beginner level but have loved the opportunity to play and learn within the program.
Created in Premier Pro.
YAYDEN loved showing the world which artists were a part of the marketplace. This video showcased those artists as well as showing people if they were creatives that they could be a part  of the site too. 

Created in Canva.
Just a speedy view of me creating an illustrations via Adobe Illustrator. 
Created in IMovie.
Another small clip of a promotion for YAYDEN.com showing a new product by an artist selling for the holidays.
Created in Canva.
YAYDEN loved their artists. This was a Pinterest video pin, the more the movement the more views.
Created in Canva.

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